NSM Galaxy 200 - 45 RPM

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Serial Number

Info given by





35200003 Hans Kuipers j.g.kuipers@hotmail.com Netherlands In perfecf condition 02.07.2016
35200552 n/a n/a USA Please advise as to where to get service 19.01.2009
35200558 Andy Golmicz atgjr@msn.com USA Currently Rebuilding Unit 18.01.2012
35200606 Jeff Simpson Bowtiecrazzy1982@yahoo.com USA Works like new.Very good shape 29.12.2008
35200735 Hildegard Stamann stamann@jukebox-world.de Austria n/a 08.11.2006
35201123 n/a n/a England n/a 11.08.2006
35201353 n/a n/a Australia Refurbished unit, excellent condition. 23.04.2022
35201434 n/a n/a Germany n/a 25.11.2009
35201549 Carrie Doughty cldoughty@grandecom.net USA Need a manual. The carrier will not roll on track. 19.04.2011
35201563 Mark Wenzlaff boydsworldfamous@gmail.com USA Not working needs a drive wheel, my first jukebox restoration 18.03.2024
35201602 Hildegard Stamann Stamann@Jukebox-World.de Unknown # given on control card 17.01.2009
35201623 Ken Page kage34@juno.com USA Not working at this time need a good manual and schematics. 21.04.2008
35201692 Peter Schwarz GeesthachtPeter@web.de Germany Looks like new and plays like the first day 09.06.2017